Foam Powder the new foam fluid
We are constantly improving our foam powder and it is a game changer already. 10 packs of foam powder (1.7kg) replaces a 20 KG bucket of foam fluid. All you have to do is stir one pack of foam powder into a 20 liter bucket of water and you have foam fluid for a foam party for 30-40 min. the 1.7kg foam powder not only ships easier and cheaper than foam fluid; it is also much more convenient to store and handle. If you want to see the comparison between the foam powder and the foam fluid check out this video. Right now your water affects the foam output, but we work constantly on perfecting the formula. You continually receive some ninja tips and tricks to improve your foam powder result. Simply email for updated instructions. We delight in hearing your feedback. Thanks for keeping us updated on how much you like the foam powder. In the picture the comparison between foam powder and foam fluid is tested in our Super E Foam Machine. Comments are closed.
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October 2015
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